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Backend API


All APIs require the inclusion of the validate parameter, whose value should be the same as the server/validate parameter value in the configuration file. Example:

$ curl localhost:5001/history?validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a

API response:

{"code": 0, "message": "ok", "history": "[{\"type\": 1, \"text\": \"Hello world!\", \"time\": \"2019-02-07 19:10:19\", \"uuid\": \"f464d430-2ac8-11e9-bd1e-8c8590caf9a5\"}, {\"type\": 0, \"text\": \"How's the weather today?\", \"time\": \"2019-02-07 19:10:33\", \"uuid\": \"fca4c218-2ac8-11e9-bd1e-8c8590caf9a5\"}, {\"type\": 1, \"text\": \"[Weather] Shenzhen weather: Today: cloudy, 28-30 degrees Celsius. The weather is not bad today, the air is fresh, suitable for outdoor activities.\", \"time\": \"2019-02-07 19:10:33\", \"uuid\": \"fceec836-2ac8-11e9-bd1e-8c8590caf9a5\"}, {\"type\": 0, \"text\": \"A few o'clock now\", \"time\": \"2019-02-07 19:33:34\", \"uuid\": \"chat58b0d6a2-8395-1453-6383-4e27c421ea89\"}, {\"type\": 1, \"text\": \"2019-02-07 Friday afternoon 7:33\", \"time\": \"2019-02-07 19:33:35\", \"uuid\": \"3445dcd6-2acc-11e9-bd1e-8c8590caf9a5\"}]"}


Used to manage joi-ai, including restarting, enabling "do not disturb" mode, and disabling "do not disturb" mode.

  • URL: /operate
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
validateYesSee Authentication
typeYesManagement type. See Management Type Values

Management Type Values

0Restart joi-ai
1Enable "do not disturb" mode
2Disable "do not disturb" mode
  • Example:
$ curl -X POST localhost:5001/operate -d "type=restart&validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a"
  • Response:
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description


Used to view logs saved by joi-ai. For performance reasons, by default, only the last 200 lines of content are returned, which is equivalent to running tail -n 200.

  • URL: /log
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Parameter NameRequiredDescription
validateYesSee Authentication
linesOptionalMaximum number of log lines to read. Default value is 200
  • Example:
$ curl localhost:5001/log?validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a&lines=10
  • Response:
Field NameDescription
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description
logLog content


Initiate Conversation

Used to initiate a conversation.

  • URL: /chat
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter NameRequiredDescription
validateYesSee Authentication
typeYesQuery type. "text": text-based query; "voice": voice-based query
queryRequired when type is "text"URL-encoded value of the query content. For example, the URL-encoded result of "What time is it now?"
uuidRequired when type is "text"A UUID assigned to this text query. For example, it can be a combination of random characters and a timestamp.
voiceRequired when type is "voice"Voice data in base64 encoded format of a single-channel, 16kHz sample rate WAV file.
  • Example:
$ curl -X POST localhost:5001/chat -d "type=text&query=%E7%8E%B0%E5%9C%A8%E5%87%A0%E7%82%B9&validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a&uuid=chated17be5d-0240-c9ba-2b2e-7eb98588cf34"
  • Response:
Field NameDescription
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description
respReturned conversation text
audioURL address of TTS audio (Note: non-cached audio will be automatically cleared after one minute)

Conversation History

Used to view all conversation records from the start of joi-ai.

  • URL: /history
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Parameter NameRequiredDescription
validateYesSee Authentication
  • Example:
$ curl localhost:5001/history?validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a
  • Response:
Field NameDescription
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description
historyConversation history


View Configuration

Used to view the existing configuration of joi-ai.

  • URL: /config
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Parameter NameRequiredDescription
validateYesSee Authentication
keyOptionalKey value of a specific configuration. For example: robot_name_cn. If you want the corresponding value of a multi-level key, use the format /first-level key/second-level key/..., for example, /server/host retrieves the host configuration under server.
  • Example:
$ curl localhost:5001/config?validate=f4bde2a342c7c75aa276f78b26cfbd8a&key=server
  • Response:
Field NameDescription
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description
configAll configurations, provided only when the key parameter is not passed
valueConfiguration provided by the key parameter. Provided only when the key parameter is passed. If the key is not found, null is returned

Modify Configuration

Used to configure joi-ai.

  • URL: /config
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter NameRequiredDescription
validateYesSee Authentication
configYesConfiguration content. Must be the URL-encoded value of text that can be parsed as YAML.
  • Example:
$ curl -X localhost:5001/config -d "config=robot_name_cn%3A+'%E5%AD%99%E6%82%9F%E7%A9%BA'%0Afirst_name%3A+'%E4%BC%9F%E6%B4%B2'%0Alast_name%3A+'%E6%BD%98'%0Atimezone%3A+HKT%0Alocation%3A+'%E6%B7%B1%E5%9C%B3'%0A%0A%23+%E5%90%8E%E5%8F%B0%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E7%AB%AF%0Aserver%3A%0A++++enable%3A+true%0A++++host%3A+''++%23+ip+%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%80%0A++++port%3A+'5001'+++++%23+%E7%AB%AF%E5%8F%A3%E5%8F%B7++++%0A++++username%3A+'joi'..."
  • Response:
Field NameDescription
codeReturn code. 0: success; 1: failure
messageResult description